Yesterday, March 2, 2011 I lost someone very near and dear to my heart. My grandpa, Wendell Hess. He was truly the most amazing man I have ever known. He was an amazing husband, father and grandfather, as well as coach, teacher and war veteran. He lived a great life and was loved and looked up to by many. Our family feels so incredibly blessed to have had him stand as the patriarch.

Another thing I loved about this man was his wisdom and sincere care for each member of his family. Every time our family would go visit, he would pull me, as well as every other member of my family, aside and check up on me personally to see how i was doing, how life was treating me and if there was anything he could do for me. I loved that so much and looked forward to it every time i visited. He always gave the best advice and knew exactly what i needed to hear, whether it was before we had the chance to talk or not. He lived so close to the spirit and had such a strong testimony. And who can forget his sense of humor! He was so witty and fun to be around. He had a way of making you feel happy and comfortable. I'll never forget his infectious smile.
So grandpa, I want you to know how much I love, admire and respect you. You have inspired me to be a better person and to live up to the bar you have set so high. I want to thank you for being the incredible person that you were and living the incredible life you lived. I also want to thank you for teaching, loving and raising my dad into the man he is today. I love listening to him talk about you because i see the love and respect he has for you. He has so many of the great qualities you had and i see those same qualities in my brothers. I love that. So thank you grandpa. Thank you for being the best grandfather any grandchild could ever ask for. I'm a lucky girl.
I know you're in a better place now and were welcomed with open arms by loving family members. I look forward to the day when I'll see you again. Until then I will love and miss you, forever and always. <3
Peace, Love and Temple Marriage.
So beautifully written, Ashley!! What a wonderful legacy your grandfather has created.