First of all was her concert at Sammy's! The first of many to come :)

Seriously, she ROCKED it. Everyone looooved her. Her voice sounded amazing, and she looked so poised and beautiful on stage. She played guitar and sang, and even included two originals! It was definitely a night to remember.
(p.s. she also brought down the house at the ward musical fireside the next day with a stunning rendition of I Know That My Remember Lives. I need more than my fingers and toes to count the number of boys I saw drool this weekend . . .)
Ash has also been workin' it out with her calling as Activity/Service Co-Chair. One of her many responsibilities included the Tri-Ward Halloween Party Monday night. Needless to say, it was a smashing success. There were caramel apples, pulled-pork, donuts on a string, dancing, giant twister, tug-a-war, and a pie eating contest -- that Ashley participated it! She looked good doing it too ;)
As for Sarah? Umm well, she made this cool pumpkin?
Okay, now it's obvious who is composing this post. I guess I should try and find something else more interesting.
I got a internship for next semester!! It's the exact one I wanted, which is very exciting for me because they were only hiring two interns after three weeks of interviews. I will be working the the Wellness Programs at Utah Valley University, doing my FAVORITE part of public health: planning programs and getting to work one-on-one with people on the basics of health that are so essential to a happy life, and what better population to work with than college students who are just beginning to make those important decisions and form habits that will impact the rest of their lives! Ahh, okay, stop bearing public-health-testimony. Plus, it comes with a stipend at the end, which a rarity in the public health internship world. Anyway, I can't wait to start :)
And of course we HAD to celebrate by going to Tucanos. . .
That's all for now! We hope you all are anticipating November 1st as much as we are! (aka beginning of Christmas music + Justin Bieber's Christmas CD comes out. . .)
peace, love, and temple marriage