1. sarah and i are terrible at updating our blog.... true. (oh yeah, this is ashley btw. i guess i'll just speak in third person from now on so no one gets confused. oh, i forgot only moms look at our blog.... btw = by the way).
2. sarah was the most amazing, spiritual, and BEAUTIFUL efy counselor out of every counselor that counseled this summer (and every other summer) ....... true. duh.
3.ashley got married, moved to alaska to pursue her dream of igloo building and has two children..... HAHAHA false. (if any of you answered true we will be religiously updating this blog everyday.. and we'll keep you in our prayers).
4. sarah is graduating from BYU this coming april..... TRUE! :]
5. ashley is graduating from UVU this coming april.... FALSE! hahaha oh if only...
6. ashley's parents are moving to utah next month..... false. THEY'RE MOVING HERE THIS MONTH!!!!!!! as in the month of october, as in three weeks, as in 21 days!!!!!!! :]
7. ashley got a white iphone 4..... true.
8. sarah got a white iphone 4..... true.
10. sarah and ashley are pretty much in a relationship.... true.
11. ashley is the man in the relationship.... most definitely true. (she specializes in sports and opening jars/water bottles).
12. sarah has a poster of justin bieber above her bed..... false.
13. ashley has a poster of justin bieber above her bed..... true.
14. god frowns upon those who judge.... TRUE. (apply to #13)
15. sarah went on a cruise to mexico with her family...... si! (true)
16. sarah wants to go back on her cruise to mexico with her family... false. she would never ever want to go anywhere without ashley... okay fine, true.
17. ashley went to lake powell for the first time.... TRUE.
18. ashley wants to go back to lake powell..... TRUE.
19. ashley wants to get married in lake powell..... TR- okay false. unfortunately, they didn't announce a new temple being built in lake powell this weekend in conference.
20. sarah got a promotion at her job.... true true true!!! she has an office... so legit.
21. ashley now has THREE nieces and they are the cutest girls in the entire world.... 100% true.
22. sarah looks cute... SHE LOOKS NICE!!!!! ...... true. (inside joke... just move on to the next question).
23. sarah replaced ashley with a new best friend. his name is harold..... true. (not an inside joke.... harold = library at byu).
24. ashley wants to buy a hamster and name it hamsterdam..... true. (refer back to #14).
25. you have been entertained by reading this long overdue blog post..... true, or else you wouldn't have even read this far.
well there you have it. our lives over the past 7 months in a nutshell.... more or less. we sincerely apologize for our long absence, but have no fear! we have most definitely returned to the world of blogging. hopefully this time for good.. instead of months at a time. but nevertheless, we're back. more to come soon. :] but until then.....

peace, love and temple marriage.
Haha, I guess I'm a "mom" reader too but I am still in my 20s so I'm not super old right? Thanks for making me laugh. Ashley, we are SO gonna miss your parents!!!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that as the second of the three followers, I was definitely entertained all the way up to #25. Thanks for the update!