(please note that some of these numbers may be more guesstimates, rather than actual figures)
Sarah's number of. . .
students mentored = 73
weeks of efy worked = 4
credits completed = 28
zumba classes attended = 55
Pizza Factory bread twists consumed = 41
Cities visited in Mexico = 2
pounds lost = 15
articles of clothing eaten by our bedroom = 6
Ashley's number of. . .
concerts performed = 5
times she's driven a Range Rover = 2
nieces born = 2
boys that drooled over her singing voice = 32
ward parties planned and implemented = 5
phone numbers from customers = 21
shifts worked at Pizza Factory = 2384920375847538957
cars purchased = 1
Together. . .
General Conference sessions attended = 3
late night trips for froyo, In N Out, etc. = 34
times we've laughed so hard we cried = 68
apartments lived in = 2
trips to Tucanos = 3
nights we stayed up too late doing nothing = 103
peanut butter M&M consumed = 311
pointless drives around provo, singing at the top of our lungs = 39
another year as best friends and roommates. . .

peace, love and temple marriage
Ashley you can't count the "phone numbers from customers" as 21 when 20 of those were fake ones from me!!