we suck at blogging. period. considering this is our first blog post of the new year... and it's march 18th. yikes. so much for a new years resolution.
so what have we been doing for the past three months? well, sarah has been a busy busy girl with school and her internship. she is such an amazing student and is pretty much a genius. but seriously though. her report card should be on display at BYU in one of those big glass display cases. or they should make a statue of her in the front of the school. either would suffice. she also went to DC the first week of march for an advocacy summit for her major, public health. she did a bunch of professional stuff that professional people do for their professions. legit, right? and did i mention that only 10 undergrads and 15 grad students were picked out to go on this trip and she was one of them? well yeah. shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. if you look up impressive in the dictionary... sarah lynne topham will be the definition. (with a HECKA cute picture next to it). she is kind of a big deal these days.
ashley has been a busy girl as well, balancing school and work and..... BOXING. yes, i said boxing. she has been getting personal lessons for three weeks now. so don't make her mad or try to wrestle her. you might end up with a black eye.. or a broken jaw. oops. :) she also has been having success in her musical endeavors. with two recording offers in one day, she has a scheduled date to record, this thursday, march 22. the day an angel graced the world with her presence. yep you guessed it. reese witherspoon. oh and it's ashley's birthday too. birthday twins! but quite the birthday gift, wouldn't you say? and since no one reads this blog anyways we can announce that ashley is going down to LA in two weeks to audition for the voice! never know until you try, right? life's an adventure and you've got to make the most of it so TAKE CHANCES WHILE YOU CAN! something we all need to remember at times. :)
ashley and sarah are still very much in love. we still do crazy, random stupid things and don't need anyone else to entertain ourselves. but seriously. look, we have proof.
and more proof.


beauty and the beast. (ashley CLEARLY being the beast). but for real. why does sarah look so SMOKIN?! someone missed the memo.....

...... don't ask.

and through all this.... still so in love <3

God is SO GOOD and has blessed both of our lives so so much. so much, that sometimes we both feel we don't deserve it but he just continues to bless us. but not everything has peachy keen; there have been plenty of bumps along the road, but the blessings and love we receive EVERYDAY make all the difference. He is so aware of us, AND you. don't forget that!!!! believe in Him because He believes in you.
we apologize for our lack of blog posts and will try to get better. but really this time. yes, we say that every time we post (so every seventeen years) but we will really try and be better. no excuses.
peace, love and temple marriage.
you girls rock!