Tuesday, November 30, 2010

i miss ashley hess

I'm in Provo. Alone. Ash went home for CA for the month of December. I'm kind of jealous.

But I thought I'd update a little bit with a few pictures since we kinda forget all the time. . .

We went to a BYU Basketball game!! It was super fun, especially because we won. We'll definitely be going to more once Ashley gets back :)

We like to eat.

Heck of artistic.

And this is what happens when we're home alone in our apartment on a Saturday night. . .

We like each other :)

We'll be reunited in 16 days! Yee!

Peace, Love, and Temple Marriage

Sunday, November 7, 2010


You could say we're slightly excited about Christmas. Just a little bit. And of course it wouldn't be Christmas for Ashley without the Grinch. Which is why Sarah bought it for her as an early Christmas present. Yeahh, it's true. (BEST PRESENT EVER!)

But serious, we are Christmas fanatics. I mean, we didn't carve a Christmas tree into our pumpkin for Halloween for anything. . .

Speaking of Halloween, it was pretty fun. Here are some pictures that basically some up the night:
We're cute.
Domestic Flamingo :)

Carson. We LOVE him. He can be our boyfriend.
Harvard Billington Yalestein. Creepy old man that followed us around all night. . .
oh heyyyy
Again, so in love.

We had a pretty good weekend. We won the football game, 55-7. Sarah made a massive batch of AMAZING cookies. Our FHE bros just barged into our apartment dressed as straight up gansters dancing to Soulja boy (we may or may not have sang/danced along). And now we're watching She's the Man.

yeahhh. Life is good.


peace, love and temple marriage.