Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 review - in numbers

(please note that some of these numbers may be more guesstimates, rather than actual figures)

Sarah's number of. . .
students mentored = 73
weeks of efy worked = 4
credits completed = 28
zumba classes attended = 55
Pizza Factory bread twists consumed = 41
Cities visited in Mexico = 2
pounds lost = 15
articles of clothing eaten by our bedroom = 6

Ashley's number of. . .
concerts performed = 5
times she's driven a Range Rover = 2
nieces born = 2
boys that drooled over her singing voice = 32
ward parties planned and implemented = 5
phone numbers from customers = 21
shifts worked at Pizza Factory = 2384920375847538957
cars purchased = 1

Together. . .
General Conference sessions attended = 3
late night trips for froyo, In N Out, etc. = 34
times we've laughed so hard we cried = 68
apartments lived in = 2
trips to Tucanos = 3
nights we stayed up too late doing nothing = 103
peanut butter M&M consumed = 311
pointless drives around provo, singing at the top of our lungs = 39

another year as best friends and roommates. . .


peace, love and temple marriage

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

baby come back.

that awkward moment when sarah leaves me. alone. in utah. for like three weeks.... awkward.

so it's been almost two weeks of us being apart. it's been the weirdest two weeks of my life. is this what newly-wed life is like when your spouse goes on a trip and you don't know what to do with yourself because you've secluded yourselves from the world of social interaction because you're so in love? well that's exactly what ashley-sarah life is like because we love each other so much we don't socialize. but for real though. i'm not joking, we don't talk to anyone else when we're together, it's bad. put us in a room of 100 people, whether we know them or not, if we are together it will stay that way. we'll get lost in our own world and just talk to eachother (probably about nothing) and yet be thoroughly entertained and content. probably not good. BUT, i have come to find the good in all of this. how many people have someone in their life that they can be that close with and have that good of a relationship with and not be married or dating them? not many. but i am a lucky girl because i just happen to have that good of a relationship with my best friend. and she loves me even though i'm crazy, loud, hyper when she's ready for bed, crazy, embarrassing to take out in public, embarrassing when we're not in public, awkward, crazy, sarcastic, crazy... oh and did i mention CRAZY!?! and even still, considering that tiny list of the beginning of my flaws, she liiiikes me (inside joke). and the best part about all of this.... she still loves me even when she is super sexy and i look like THIS. (see breathtaking picture below.. and remember. coveting is a sin. so try your absolute best not to covet my stunning beauty).

may i just add that this picture was taken on my computer in the movie theatre while waiting for the midnight showing of breaking dawn to start? we were in public, and i made that face. shamelessly. and she STILL sat next to me. see what i mean? the girl's a saint. you are probably beginning to understand why i keep her around.... because no one else can handle it. HAHA jk... because i love her of course!

baby come back.

peace, love and temple marriage.